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Average Adult Size:
20mm – 30mm.
Associated Risks:
Possible stings to humans however these
are rarely experienced unless threatened.
Life Cycle:
Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult,
On average the queen will produce
80-100 eggs per colony,
Average lifespan of around 12 months.
Life Style:
Varied colourations & markings (inc. yellow
& black banding, yellow & white banding &
orange & black banding),
Colony is usually egg shaped & waxy in
small yellow clusters tended
to by worker bees,
Colony normally occurs in early spring time,
Can be found in both natural & man made
cavities of buildings,
Can effect both domestic &
commercial properties.
Control Method(s):
Pest is generally left alone if posing
a low risk to humans,
Can be controlled by chemical treatment,
Pest can also be relocated if required.

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