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Average Adult Size:
Associated Risks:
Possible transmission of diseases,
Potential to transmit pathogens,
Possible contamination of food sources.
Life Cycle:
Egg, Nymph, Adult,
Eggs are carried on the female within an
oothica casing with an average of 32 eggs
per oothica,
Nymphol stage of pest will moult 5-7 times
over a 2-6 month period before reaching adulthood,
Average adult lifespan is 6 months with females
producing up to 5 oothica casings within this time.
Life Style:
Primarily a nocturnal pest,
Pest prefers humid conditions but can survive in colder climates,
Pest can normally be found close to a water source,
Good climbers on most surfaces,
Once within a structure pest is fast spreading throughout,
Can effect both domestic & commercial properties.
Control Method(s):
Chemical treatment over a specific time scale,
Proactive cleaning regime.

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