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MITES- Clover, Red Spider & Bed.
Average Adult Size:
0.5 - 1.5mm (dependent on species)
Associated Risks:
Can cause damage to & spoilage of
food stock,
Can on occasion cause allergic reactions
in humans.
Life Cycle:
Egg, Larva, Nymph, Adult,
The female produces an average of 500 eggs
over a period of 1 month,
Pest has an average lifespan of 12 – 18 months.
Life Style:
Pest is part of the arachnid family,
Pest prevalent in humid & moist conditions,
Pest feeds upon mould growth sometimes occurring
in stored food sources,
Pest found throughout Europe,
Can effect both domestic & commercial properties.
Control Method(s):
Specialist Chemical treatment,
Environmental changes.

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