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Average Adult Size:
Associated Risks:
Possible transmission of diseases,
Potential to transmit pathogens,
Possible contamination of food sources.
Life Cycle:
Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult,
Females lay eggs an average of 100 eggs
in moist or fermenting materials
(e.g. fungi, silt, sludge or algae).
Eggs will hatch from 16 days to 140 days
dependent upon conditions,
Females can birth up to 8 generations of
young in a 12 month period.
Life Style:
Pest can be found in a number of places such
as drains, waste pipes or sewer runs,
Composting materials with damp conditions
make an ideal breeding ground,
Can effect both domestic & commercial properties.
Control Method(s):
Chemical treatment,
Environmental changes.

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